Even with the Advent of LED low power lamps Energy Conservation is a big issue.
We have two type of challenges in this sector.
- Timely ON-OFF of the lamps
- Conserving energy during non-utility hours.
1. Timely ON-OFF :- This challenge is existing in both old generation lamps as well as new generation lamps .
The Fluorescent Tube Lights (FTL), High Pressure Sodium Vapor lamps (HPSV), Metal halide Lamps ( M H) are all classified as old generation lamps
where as Compact Fluorescent Lamps ( CFL) , Light Emitting Diode Lamps ( LED ) are new generation lamps.
In both old and new generation lamps, we have common problem, timely ON-OFF, if this is not done properly there will be energy wastage. This is a common problem across the country. In every villages, town and cities this operation is done manually. This will cost manpower, money and time for the city energy managers.
2. Conserving energy during non-utility hours.
This problem is faced only in older type of high power and low efficiency lamps like HPSV, MH , these lamps glow brighter after 10:00 PM and consumes more energy. So by controlling the power considerable amount of energy can be conserved in these lamps
There are different devices available for timely ON-OFF of lamps. Variety of timers are available in the market.